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Capturing the Magic of the Andes on an Extraordinary Label

Mercado del proyecto

  • Perú

    Imagen de la Bandera de Perú

Vicuña Sacramento Andino – Candelaria

1. The Challenge

Transforming an Adventure into Captivating Design

The Vicuña Sacramento Andino project was born as a love offering to the Andes. Three renowned Latin American brewers united their passion to co-create a beer inspired by their roots: Ricardo Aftyka, brewmaster of the Argentine brewery Juguetes Perdidos; Bruno Ferrari, founder of the iconic Berlina brewery in Argentine Patagonia; and Diego Aste, pioneer of craft beer in Peru and founder of Candelaria.

Our challenge went beyond packaging design: we had to tell a fascinating story that would resonate with craft beer enthusiasts.

The task was complex: narrate the epic adventure of three master brewers on their 5,800-kilometer journey across Latin America, from Argentine Patagonia to the Peruvian coast, and convey the mystique of Incan culture.

Every design element needed to evoke the deep connection between the land, its inhabitants, and this exceptional brew. We needed to transform each bottle into a visual experience that not only presented the product but invited the drinker to become part of an ancient tradition.

First Image Gallery

Equipo de trabajo de cerveza Vicuña reunido en un paisaje andino.
Equipo de trabajo de cerveza Vicuña reunido en un paisaje andino.
Grupo de personas nativas de Perú poniendo adornos en el cuello de una vicuña.
Tres brewmasters en el paisaje andino de Perú con mediciones de elaboración de cerveza.
Personas nativas de Perú en una danza típica con trajes tradicionales coloridos.
Personas nativas de Perú en una danza típica con trajes tradicionales coloridos.

2. The Solution

Creating a Unique Postcard with Andean Soul

To meet this challenge, we joined the journey to develop a design concept as unique as the beer itself. We created a label that is a true work of art, with an illustration made entirely by hand, reflecting the artisanal spirit of the brand.

The heart of the design is a "travel postcard" that captures the most transcendental moments of the brewmasters' journey. Every stroke tells a story: from collecting spring water in Puno to participating in the Chaku, an ancestral vicuña shearing ritual. The label also narrates two astonishing natural spectacles: the eruption of the Sabancaya volcano and the largest and brightest supermoon since 1948. Finally, we incorporated elements representing the unique combination of ingredients.

The chosen color palette and motifs evoke the richness of Andean landscapes and the depth of their traditions, creating a design that is, in itself, an invitation to explore.

Segunda Gallería del Imágenes

Etiqueta ilustrada de cerveza Vicuña con una vicuña, patrones intrincados, letras de estilo antiguo y paisajes andinos.
Mano dibujando la ilustración de la etiqueta de cerveza Vicuña.
Mosaico con detalles de la ilustración de la etiqueta de cerveza Vicuña, incluyendo patrones intrincados, letras de estilo antiguo y una vicuña.
Papel de envoltorio con estampa e historia de cerveza Vicuña, incluyendo ilustración de una vicuña y mapa de Sudamérica.
Mosaico con fotos de cerveza Vicuña, incluyendo botellas con granos de cebada y lúpulo.
Equipo de trabajo de cerveza Vicuña reunido en un paisaje andino.

3. The Results

A Sensory Experience Beyond the Bottle

The packaging successfully captured the spirit of a journey, a tradition, and a ritual, conveying the incomparable essence of Vicuña Sacramento Andino. The 3,999 limited edition bottles, each hand-packaged, transformed into collector's items that tell a fascinating story transcending the product.

The detailed design and visual narrative elevate the experience of tasting this craft beer into an act of connection with Andean culture and its flavors. Vicuña successfully positioned itself as an extraordinary, complex, and profound beer, a true liquid offering to the majesty of Andean nature.

Every great brand has a story to tell. One that connects people, places, and an extraordinary product. Vicuña Sacramento Andino deserved 100% authentic packaging. No stock images or generic designs. We created original illustrations that go beyond just showing the product; they make you feel something special. It's not just about "what you buy," but "why you do it." It's as if each pack tells you a little story, one that makes you feel part of something bigger.
Hernán Braberman

Hernán Braberman Creative Director at Tridimage