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Frascos de mermelada con diseño de packaging moderno y geométrico por Tridimage, con etiquetas coloridas y abstractas, diseño nominado a los Pentawards 2024.

Rebuilding dignity and reducing inequality, one jar at a time

Mercado del proyecto

  • Argentina

    Imagen de la Bandera de Argentina

Akamasoa X Las Quinas – Akamasoa Argentina

1. The Challenge

Showcasing a Life-Changing Project

Akamasoa Argentina is a NGO that helps vulnerable individuals overcome extreme poverty by providing them with the necessary tools to build a dignified and sustainable life in community.

Its mentor, Gastón Gasparotti, replicated in Argentina the initiative that Father Opeka organized in marginalized communities of Madagascar. The people who are part of the foundation, with consistency and discipline, build their homes, study, and work in their greenhouses to later commercialize value-added products. Akamasoa, which means "good friends," thus becomes the hope for a better future.

Ricardo Parra, president of Las Quinas, invited us to collaborate by designing the labels for the strawberry jam produced in partnership with the NGO. The challenge was to create packaging that not only reflected the essence of the foundation, a story of hope and self-sufficiency, but also gave visibility to the initiative, to attract funds and volunteers to help the project grow.

At Las Quinas, we operate with a triple impact approach. We strive for economic viability, ensuring profitability without compromising our values. Our environmental commitment is evident in our sustainable organic products, utilizing solar energy and water recycling. Socially, we've consistently engaged with our community, collaborating with small producers and, in recent initiatives, partnering with cooperatives and NGOs to support vulnerable women. We view packaging as crucial, recognizing its power to convey our emotional project's story within the seven-second window of a consumer's purchasing decision. This narrative is brought to life through the exceptional design work of our agency, Tridimage.
Ricardo Parra

Ricardo Parra Founder & CEO at Las Quinas, B and Organic Company

First Image Gallery

Frascos de mermelada con diseño de packaging minimalista y colorido por Tridimage, con etiquetas que presentan siluetas de casas.
Mujeres trabajadoras de la comunidad Akamasoa Argentina dibujando en una mesa, participando en una actividad creativa en un entorno de aprendizaje con paredes amarillas y sillas azules.
Frascos de mermelada de frutilla Akamasoa con diseño de packaging por Tridimage, con etiquetas en forma de casa en colores verde y rosa, inspiradas en una comunidad local.
Hojas en el piso con dibujos de casas en diferentes colores y estilos, mostrando creatividad y variedad en los diseños arquitectónicos.

2. The Solution

Engaging with the Community to Capture Its Essence

To capture the spirit of Akamasoa, we immersed ourselves in the project and organized workshops to co-create with the community. We even participated in a solidarity day helping with the construction work at the complex located in Lima, Zárate (Buenos Aires province).

For the label design, we set out to create an elegant and intriguing icon that would represent the foundation's empowering philosophy: the houses, a symbol of perseverance in the face of adversity.

Taking advantage of the versatility of digital printing, the labels reproduce the rich color palette present in the unique structure of the homes, each built by the community's own hands. As a final touch, we incorporated a QR code on the lid that invites people to explore the NGO's social media, learn more about their work, and get involved voluntarily with the project.

"Living in Akamasoa is, above all, action, not words. It's not an occasional commitment, from time to time. It's not a commitment once a month, once a week, but all day, every day."

Segunda Gallería del Imágenes

Collage de frascos de mermelada Akamasoa con diseño de packaging por Tridimage, con etiquetas en colores azul, amarillo, verde, naranja y rosa, y el texto ‘FRUTO DE UNA COMUNIDAD’ en el centro.
Closeup manos de mujer mayor dibujando sobre una casa de cartulina rosa con un crayón azul, participando en una actividad creativa coordinada por Tridimage en Akamasoa Argentina.
Mujeres trabajadoras de la comunidad Akamasoa Argentina mostrando frascos de mermelada con diseño por Tridimage, con etiquetas en colores rosa, azul y amarillo.
Dos niños y una niña humildes sonríen y muestran casas de cartulina dibujadas y coloreadas por ellos mismos, participando en una actividad creativa coordinada por Tridimage en Akamasoa Argentina.
Foto grupal del equipo Tridimage y miembros de la fundación Akamasoa Argentina, reunidos frente a las viviendas coloridas del complejo.
Frascos de mermelada con diseño de packaging moderno y geométrico por Tridimage, con etiquetas coloridas y abstractas, diseño nominado a los Pentawards 2024.

3. The Results

Design with Purpose and Social Impact

Each jar of Akamasoa jam reminds us that, even in the face of immense difficulties, the human drive for dignity endures as our noblest shared essence.

In the words of Akamasoa Argentina: "Only by taking action do we discover what we're capable of together. Perseverance is our engine, and hope is our fuel."

The packaging design for Akamasoa Strawberry Jam by Las Quinas is nominated for a 2024 Pentawards in the Design with Purpose category, recognizing its valuable social impact.

For Akamasoa, product packaging is vital; it's the tangible link that reaches others, conveying our community's story and realized dreams. It serves as a powerful medium to give visibility to those often unheard, yet who maintain their dignity and aspiration for progress. When dreams are nurtured by work, education, and discipline, we witness the far-reaching impact of an idea. Through the eyes of the soul, we can perceive the immense capability of human beings united behind a shared ideal.
Gastón Vigo Gasparotti

Gastón Vigo Gasparotti Founder of Akamasoa Argentina